Privacy Policy

Modelcase, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is a company which provides website production service, web-based marketing service web-based branding service, website consulting service, and other services on the internet, and the Company thereby fully recognizes the importance of the personal information of the Company’s clients which the Company obtains and handles through its business activities, and such information as a part of its critical information assets for its business activities.

In addition, the Company fully recognizes the protection of personal information of its clients as well as its employees is an important social responsibility.
The Company shall establish this Privacy Policy as a part of its Codes of Practice that should be complied by all of the Company’s officers and employees in order to ensure that important personal information is handled appropriately and securely, and the Company shall ensure the thorough compliance of the policy into the future.

  1. In order to ensure the thorough compliance of the Japanese laws and regulations, guidelines provided by the national government, as well as other regulations concerning the protection of personal information, the Company shall establish the personal information protection and management system pursuant to JIS-Q 15001, Japanese Industrial Standards' "Requirements for Personal Information Protection Management Systems” and ensure the appropriate enforcement of the policy to all of the personal information that the Company handles for its business activities as well as those of its officers and employees.
  2. The Company shall clarify the purpose of use, and possibility of providing the personal information, which it obtains beforehand, and it shall use such information within the scope as consented by the persons who have agreed to provide their personal information, and apply the preventive measures for such information to be used outside of the purpose.
  3. The Company shall ensure that it appoints the contractor(s) or any other third parties that satisfy the sufficient protection criteria, in the event the Company outsources the handing of the personal information which obtained through the measures as set forth in the previous item, in whole or in part, to contractors or in the event the Company provides the personal information to third parties, and shall include appropriate measures in the appropriate contracts, etc.
  4. The Company shall establish the reasonable security management measures and appropriate corrective measures, such as procedures for appropriately managing personal information acquired and for preventive measures for the risks of losses, destruction, falsification, and leakage of such information.
  5. The Company shall appropriately handle any complaints or concerns concerning its practice on the protection of personal information at the following contact.
  6. The Company shall handle the request for disclosure, correction, deletion, and discontinuation of the use of the personal information of the person who has filed such a request without delay.
  7. The Company shall continue to review and improve its personal information protection and management system, in order to ensure the proper use of the personal information and to apply proper protection, in order to cope with the changes to take place in the social and economic climates.

Prescribed on: May 1, 2011
Last revised on: April 19, 2024
Modelcase, Inc.

Masaki Kawamura, Representative Director

Inquiries concerning the Company’s handling of Personal Information shall be directed to:
Modelcase, Inc., Personal Information Manager
Tel: 03-6403-3959

Consent for the Handling of Personal Information

Ⅰ. Purpose of Use of Personal Information that does not Fall under Personal Data We Retain

(1) Consigned Personal Information

  • For the purpose of doing Web production, Web marketing, Web branding, Web consulting, and other Internet services consigned by client companies

II. About the Retention of Personal Data and Records Provided to Third Parties

1. Use of Personal Data We Retain

(1) Personal Information of Employees

  • For the purpose of employee management, including human resources, wages, and General Affairs
  • For the purpose of managing of employees’ health
  • For the purpose of controlling security

(2) Personal Information of Job Applicants

  • For the purpose of corresponding with and screening job applicants
  • For procedures on entry to the Company

(3) Customer Personal Information

  • For the purpose of business negotiations, correspondence, receiving orders, and contract fulfillment

(4) Personal Information of Persons Making Inquiries

  • For the purpose of responding to inquiries

(5) Personal Information of Users of Japan Spark

  • For provision of the Japan Spark service
  • For the purpose of responding to inquiries

(6) Personal Information of Japan Spark Members

  • For the purpose of corresponding with and screening applicants
  • For the purpose of managing registered users and making remuneration payments
  • For the purpose of managing progress of requested tasks and business communication
  • For the purpose of responding to inquiries
2. Name or address of business and name of representative

Mr. Masaki Kawamura, modelcase, Inc.

3. Name or the Title, Affiliation and Contact Details of the Personal Information Administrator (or his representative)

Mr. Masaki Kawamura, modelcase, Inc.; Tel: 03-6403-3959

To contact the Personal Information Administrator, please contact the inquiry form.

4. Submit complaints or consultations

For inquiries, complaints, and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the inquiry form.

5. Procedures for Disclosure

(1) About the Retention of Personal Data and Records Provided to Third Parties

The company will comply with requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, cessation of use, erasure, cessation of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") from the individual or their agent. Please contact our inquiry desk for requests for Disclosure, etc. When requesting Disclosure, etc., please fill in the necessary items on the prescribed form provided by our company and submit it.

However, please note that we cannot comply with requests for Disclosure, etc. regarding personal information that is not covered under "personal data we retain" as stated in the "Purposes of Use for Personal Information Not Constituting Held Personal Data." The purpose of use for such information is solely to carry out the tasks entrusted to us, and it will not be used for any other purposes.

(2) Handling Fee

Among the requests for Disclosure, etc., the fees for "notification of purpose of use" and "disclosure of personal information or third-party provision records" are free of charge.

(3) Inquiring About and Requesting Disclosures, etc.

To request a disclosure, fill out the required items of the “Request for Disclosure” form and contact us, mentioned below. The Request for Disclosure form is available as a PDF file. The Company will confirm your identity using the information you provide.

「Request for Disclosure Form」

If the Request for Disclosure form is not filled out adequately, or if the identity of the individual or person who submitted the request (in the case of a proxy, etc.) cannot be confirmed, unfortunately the Company may not be able to accept the request.

If the person who submitted the request is not the individual whose personal information is requested (i.e., a proxy, etc.), please also submitthe following information:

●In the case of a minor or an adult ward, one of the following documents concerning the legal representative:
A document proving legal agency, such as an official copy of the family register (Koseki Tohon) or Proof of Guardianship
●In the case of a proxy consigned with the task of making the Request for Disclosure, etc.:
A document proving agency, such as power of attorney

modelcase, Inc.
For complaints or concerns regarding the Company’s protection of personal information, please contact: Mr. Masaki Kawamura
6F, Sun Caterina Building, 1-36-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022
Tel: 03-6403-3959
Service Hours: 10:00-17:00 (excluding Saturdays & Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays)

(4) Notification of Action Regarding Requests for Disclosure, etc.

Notification will be mailed to the person that submitted the request at the address on the Request for Disclosure form. In the case that the Company is unable to comply with the request, the reason for this will also be included. It may take several business days for the notification to be mailed, so please keep this in mind.

(5) Use of Personal Information Obtained from Requests for Disclosure

Use of personal information obtained from a Request for Disclosure shall be limited to the processing of the disclosure, etc. Documentation submitted shall be disposed of appropriately.

5. Measures for the Safe Management of Held Personal Data

The company has implemented the following safety management measures to protect held personal data. For more detailed questions regarding safety management measures, please contact our inquiry desk.

(1) Formulation of Basic Policy

  • We have formulated a basic policy to ensure the proper handling of personal data.

(2) Establishment of Discipline Related to the Handling of Personal Data

  • We have established regulations related to the handling of personal data to prevent leakage and other safety management of personal data.

(3) Organizational Safety Management Measures

  • We have appointed a person responsible for the handling of personal data and have established a reporting and communication system to the responsible person in case of becoming aware of facts or risks of violation of laws or regulations.
  • We have clarified the range of personal data handled by employees and the employees who handle it.
  • We conduct regular self-inspections and external audits to check the handling status of personal data.
  • We are working on improving the personal information protection system by understanding and reviewing the handling status of personal data.

(4) Human Safety Management Measures

  • We are raising awareness and educating about the importance of personal information protection and conducting regular training for those involved in the handling of personal data.
  • We have obtained non-disclosure agreements from employees who handle personal data.

(5) Physical Safety Management Measures

  • We manage the entry and exit of employees and visitors in areas where personal data is handled.
  • We have established measures for the use, storage, and disposal of equipment, documents, and electronic media that handle personal data, to prevent theft or loss.

(6) Technical Safety Management Measures

  • We implement access control, limiting the range of personnel and personal information databases they handle.
  • We identify and authenticate employees using information systems that handle personal data and personal information databases.
  • We have introduced mechanisms to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access from outside or malicious software.

(7) Understanding of External Environments

  • We properly implement the above safety management after understanding the systems related to the protection of personal information in foreign countries where personal information is handled.
6. Certifying Organization for Protection of Personal Information

JIPDEC (Nihon Jouhou Keizai Shakai Suishin Kyoukai)
Complaints should be directed to:
  Protection of Personal Information Complaints Office

6F, Sun Caterina Building, 1-36-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022


This is not the contact for inquiries about the Company’s products or services.
For inquiries about the Company’s products or services, please call 03-5369-1035.

Established May 1, 2011
Last revision July 1, 2022